Me, Real life

Going somewhere?

It’s December and that means holidays! In my recent tweets I have sporadically mention about going on a vacation but I haven’t been very vocal about it since there is the possibility that I might not go. But eventually I came to the conclusion that whether I do go or not, might as well just spill the beans. I will be flying off to South Korea on the 16th of this month on an 8-days guided tour vacation. Well, not just me, the rest of my family[1. Along with an aunt and two cousins.] are going as well. Actually this trip was planned a year ago but we never got around to come to any decision. It was only in last October when the idea was brought up again and at the last minute decided to go for it.

So like I said, it will be an 8-days guided tour, though it’s actually more like a 7-days tour since we all know that one extra day is usually spent on the plane. I can’t exactly recall what the itinerary is but I do know we would be spending two nights at a ski resort which means I would get the chance to see (and play with) snow! I’ve never seen snow in my whole life. Not even during my trip to England two years ago. As my youngest sister put it, “The desire to see snow is the main reason why I’m coming on this trip.” Truthfully I much rather go to Japan[2. A sentiment shared by two of my siblings] because then I will get to shop at LIZ LISA and probably see the famous street fashion in Tokyo.

For the trip I had to order a few stuff from Taobao because I can’t find any suitable winter stuff here in Brunei. The ones that are available are expensive and they don’t even have a lot of variety. Because it was a last minute shopping, I had requested them to be shipped over using DHL even if it meant I have to pay extra (but thank God for 50% DHL shipping discount ;)). I had expected the package to arrive two days ago but I guess due to the holiday season it got delayed a bit. I was notified that it would be delivered to me today but after waiting for the whole day it turned out they couldn’t deliver it today (again, I guess it must be due to the large volume of packages) so it’s now allocated for delivery in the next delivery cycle. I hope that means tomorrow because goddamnit I had enough of waiting. :p

Update (Dec 10): The package finally arrived this morning. /love

This would probably be my last post before the trip because I honestly don’t know when I’ll be able to do any more updates; what with me trying to finish my thesis draft before the 16th and there’s also the packing need to be done. Also, during the trip I might not be able to check my email so please don’t fret if you don’t hear anything from me. I will try my best to respond to any emails once I return but in case you need to get hold of me for important reasons, please include ‘Urgent’ or ‘Important’ in your subject line.

Oh before I end this post, here’s a selfie:

Me in my new LIZ LISA dress
Me in my new LIZ LISA dress

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