
Happy 29th National Day

This year marks the 29th year of Brunei’s full independence from the British. Since the signing of the Protectorate Agreement in 1888, Brunei was placed as a protectorate state under the British Government. Brunei finally got its independence on 1st January 1984 but it was decided then that the Independence Day would be celebrated on every 23rd of February as the National Day.

This year, nothing spectacular happened; we had the usual celebration at the Sultan Omar Ali Saifuddien field1 with thousands of people gathering there to watch the performances and parades.

Happy 29th National Day

Happy 29th National Day

National day 1984

First National Day in 1984 – Image courtesy of Bruneiresources.blogspot.com

  1. Named after the current monarch’s late father, Sultan Haji Omar Ali Saifuddien III

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