Last week I had to buy a new phone because the one that I had been using for two years decided to gave up. It was quite unexpected so I obviously I did not have the time to properly sit down and think thoroughly which phone I wanted to get. In the end I chose to simply get a mid-range Android phone because: 1) I never had one before, 2) that’s the limit of my budget.
So that’s my new Samsung Galaxy Ace 2. As I said, it’s a budget phone so I’m not putting any high expectations on it and I’m definitely not going to pretend as if it runs on Ferrari engine. Having said that though, the phone’s running on Gingerbread version of the operating system. I was half-expecting Samsung would have at least used version 4.0 (Ice Cream Sandwich) instead since the current latest version out there is the Jelly Bean; which makes Gingerbread two versions behind.
Some of you might have heard about the book giveaway which I planned to host sometime next week. It’s still in the preparatory stage and I do feel somewhat uncertain about it since I have no idea whether it will actually attract any one to join the giveaway. Let me know what you guys think, or if you have any suggestions regarding the matter.
Last month I had to appear in court for a case which happened back in 2008. In 2008 I was involved in a car accident with another car (my fault) but luckily no one was injured (thank God). The fine was supposed to be $250 but because the case took so long before it was actually brought to court (paperwork, bureaucracy and what not) so in the end the fine was reduced to $200. It might all sound alright in the end, but when I first got the notice, it scared the hell out of me because it was stated on it that I could go to prison for it. It was only when I realised that
Christmas is coming up! This year I decided to send out cards again (I missed it last year because of the UK trip) so to the recipients of the cards, I hope you guys will like it.
Speaking of Christmas, I wanted to get myself and Leon a few things but seeing as it’s too late for any online shopping (that is, if I want the items to arrive in time for Christmas) so I might just get them for New Year.