I’ve returned most of the comments from the previous post, which is a big relief. During my temporary absence from the internet, I’ve acquired a backlog of comments but I was so preoccupied with offline life stuff that I never got around to returning them. Sorry everyone!
In the last entry I mentioned about how difficult it was to write a CV[1. Refer to this post please]. I attempted to write one last night but I ended up typing up a résumé. 🙁 I’m starting to feel this job hunting is going to be a nightmare. 🙁
Speaking of job hunting, a couple of years ago I applied for a temporary job at a local mobile communication company. In fact, it’s the biggest one we have here[2. A little trivia for you: there is no info on Wikipedia about the company despite it being a world-class provider, or so it claims to be. Lulz]. So anyway, I applied for a temporary position and a couple of weeks later I received a rejection letter. Apparently, the reason I was not accepted was because I didn’t have a car. I was 19 at that time, I didn’t have my driving license yet (didn’t have time to take the classes, see) and I thought being honest about it would pay off. Well it didn’t. I didn’t expect that this temporary position (which was customer service) would require me to physically commute from one place to another. It was a telecommunication company, for God’s sake. I honestly thought they’d gone paperless, you know, relying on emails and stuff like that.
This morning I received a parcel on my front door. This came quite a surprise for me because the Postal Department never sent domestic and/or international packages directly to your doorstep. Normally all packages would be stored in the postal office and the staff will send out cards to the individual recipients asking them to pick up the packages themselves. So to have one directly delivered to me was really a pleasant surprise, I hope they’ll keep doing this. /love