Much thanks to Kressa for pointing out that the layout looked weird on Firefox. I’ve fixed it now (I think). And many thanks to everyone for the nice feedbacks on the new layout. I greatly appreciate it. 😛
I’ve done some more tinkering on the comment feature. Modified the reply-to-comment function so that it looks nicer now (added that plucky little purple arrow!). 😉
I’m sad because my WordPress account on Chibiholic.net was hacked. The bastard hacker changed the password and email address so I can’t login or reset the password. In the end I had to delete the account and re-installed it. Good thing I didn’t create the whole site using WordPress, otherwise all the other pages would be gone too. I have no idea who did it, probably one of my haters out there. Heh.
I’m starting to miss my previous layout already. But no worries, I won’t go back to using it as it would mean wasting all the efforts I made to create this layout, not to mention all the customising I did after installing it (which resulted in screwing up the account) would also go down the drain.
I like this layout enough. I tried not to ‘abuse’ the pink colour so I mixed all sorts of light/pastel colours and I’m glad that they turned out to blend well together. Hahaha! The background colour is still the same though, because I was just too lazy to change it.
It’s just a few more days to Hari Raya Aidil Fitri. Some of you may call it Eid Mubarak, it doesn’t matter, it’s the same thing anyway. But this year I don’t feel like celebrating it. Somehow the joy and purpose of it has left me. Ha, that’s like saying you’re not enjoying Christmas. LOL.
Slashforums has been down for a couple of days. I have no idea why and I haven’t contacted the owners yet.